
$\Newextarrow{\xRightarrow}{5,5}{0x21D2}$ $\newcommand\empty{}$

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Comment #276 by Weston Markham on

I only see five edges in the graph.

Comment #277 by Kerodon on

Indeed. Thanks!

Comment #303 by Kazuaki Miyatani on

The diagram on the website differs from its PDF version. The loop on the top vertex in the PDF version disappears on the website. I guess the diagram in the PDF version is the intended one and there are six edges.

Comment #304 by on

There indeed seems to be a rendering issue, but for the time being I'm not sure I can fix it. If you see any more serious rendering issues, please let me know.

Comment #305 by Kerodon on

Ah, was wondering what was going on with that. I'll just delete the loop that doesn't render.

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