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Comments on Subsection 1.5.6

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Comment #2205 by Michael Janou on

In the proof of, one reads: "Moreover, since is weakly saturated, the class is also weakly saturated." This implication holds of course, but (unless I'm missing something here) it involves a relatively long verification with quite a bit of diagram chases (and it makes use of the fact that preserves colimits, which is something special about cartesian closed categories that doesn't hold in general). It's certainly more involved than the proof of (to which you devoted the entire subsection 1.5.4). Perhaps it would be helpful to insert an exercise of the form "Let be a morphism of simplicial sets and let be a weakly saturated class of morphisms of simplicial sets. Show that the class of morphisms such that belongs to is weakly saturated." (if not spelling out the details yourself).

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  • 13 comment(s) on Chapter 1: The Language of $\infty $-Categories

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