
$\Newextarrow{\xRightarrow}{5,5}{0x21D2}$ $\newcommand\empty{}$

Comments on Subsection 2.1.2

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Comment #2010 by Michael Janou on

I think there's a subtelty not addressed in Remark In light of Corollary (particularly, the fact that ), the proof of Proposition reduces to showing that there's a unique morphism such that the depicted outer rectangle commutes. And for this last part of the proof, it is indeed true that only the functors and are required to be fully faithful. However, the proof of Corollary (more precisely, of its second half, i.e. the identity ) uses the triangle identity (Proposition and in particular the existence of the right unit constraint , while the weaker hypotheses of Remark aren't enough to construct (the construction of requires that the functor should be fully faithful as well). Am I missing something?

Comment #2034 by Kerodon on

The assumption that tensoring with on the left is fully faithful is enough to construct the left unit constraint , and the assumption that tensoring on the right with is fully faithful guarantees that there is a unique morphism which makes the lower half of the diagram commutes, and that is an isomorphism. Once we know that and are isomorphic, we also learn that tensoring with on the right is fully faithful and that tensoring with on the left is fully faithful.

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