
$\Newextarrow{\xRightarrow}{5,5}{0x21D2}$ $\newcommand\empty{}$

Corollary For every semisimplicial set $X$, the inclusion map $\iota : X \hookrightarrow X^{+}$ is a weak homotopy equivalence of semisimplicial sets.

Proof. We wish to show that the map $\iota ^{+}: X^{+} \rightarrow (X^{+})^{+}$ is a weak homotopy equivalence of simplicial sets. This is clear, since $\iota ^{+}$ is right inverse to the counit map $v_{ X^{+} }: (X^{+})^{+} \rightarrow X^{+}$, which is a weak homotopy equivalence of simplicial sets by virtue of Proposition $\square$