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Comment #2345 by Michael Janou on

Is such a map even defined for a simplicial set ? I don't see where such a map is coming from...

Comment #2346 by Michael Janou on

Nevermind, I just noticed the answer, silly me. Feel free to delete both comments.

Comment #2347 by Michael Janou Glaeser on

I must have delulded myself earlier. I think I still don't get what is.

Comment #2348 by Michael Janou Glaeser on

Now I get it, you're just talking about the underlying semsimplicial sets. I had considered this earlier but discarded the option as you were applying to . Now I went back to your section on and found Variant (\mathrm{Ex} for semisimplicial sets), which is what (I think) you're using here. Perhaps explicitly mentioning could help some readers, in the event someone as mindless as me ends up reading this section.

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