
$\Newextarrow{\xRightarrow}{5,5}{0x21D2}$ $\newcommand\empty{}$

Proposition Let $q: X \rightarrow S$ be a cartesian fibration of simplicial sets and let $f: K \rightarrow X$ be any morphism of simplicial sets. Then:


The induced map $q': X_{/f} \rightarrow S_{/(q \circ f)}$ is a cartesian fibration of simplicial sets.


An edge $e$ of $X_{/f}$ is $q'$-cartesian if and only if its image in $X$ is $q$-cartesian.

Proof. The morphism $q'$ factors as a composition

\[ X_{/f} \xrightarrow {u} X \times _{S} S_{/(q \circ f)} \xrightarrow {v} S_{ /(q \circ f)}. \]

Since $q$ is an inner fibration, the morphism $u$ is a right fibration (Proposition In particular, $u$ is a cartesian fibration and every edge of $X_{/f}$ is $u$-cartesian (Proposition The morphism $v$ is a pullback of $q$, and is therefore a cartesian fibration (Remark Moreover, an edge of $X \times _{S} S_{/(q \circ f)}$ is $v$-cartesian if and only if its image in $X$ is $q$-cartesian. Assertions $(1)$ and $(2)$ now follow from Proposition $\square$