
$\Newextarrow{\xRightarrow}{5,5}{0x21D2}$ $\newcommand\empty{}$

Comments on Definition

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Comment #1438 by Ödül Tetik on

The last map should read instead of .

Comment #1439 by Kerodon on

Yep. Thanks!

Comment #2215 by Shiro on

I have a question regarding the following specific colimit diagram: Let be the simplicial set , which is isomorphic to the nerve associated to the preorder containing three objects with and . Let be the diagram given by , , here is the -category of Kan-complexes and is the interval obtained by inverting the non-trivial morphism in . We know that is weak homotopy equivalent to and the (homotopy) colimit of the diagram should be isomorphic to . In the following I write and to mean and . Now by the definition of colimit above, we should have an isomorphim of Kan-complexes . The left hand side has isomorphic to . The right hand side is a subcomplex of with vertices which restricts to and on the two ends. But it seem to me that there is only one such morphism , thus the right hand side would have trivial (I think I was wrong in computing this morphism space). So I want know how to understand this example correctly.

Comment #2216 by Shiro on

the misplaced part above is "0,1,2 with 0<1 and 0<2"

There are also:

  • 3 comment(s) on Chapter 7: Limits and Colimits
  • 2 comment(s) on Section 7.1: Limits and Colimits
  • 2 comment(s) on Subsection 7.1.1: Limits and Colimits in $\infty $-Categories

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